Works of LOVE, Works of PEACE



Mother Teresa: "Go Home and LOVE Your Family"

On receiving the news of the Nobel Peace Prize in December 1979, Mother Teresa said: " I thank God for this great gift, and for making the world acknowledge works of love to be works of peace. Lead me from death to life, from falsehood to truth, lead me from despair to hope, from fear to trust; lead me from hate to love, from war to peace; let peace fill our hearts, our world, our universe. Peace. Peace. Peace”. - In the Crowded Church of St. James in Piccadilly, in the heart of London, Mother Teresa recited the prayer. Currently the prayer is in frequent use in classrooms, in peace meetings, and in meetings of different faith groups, as well as secular groups throughout the world. Mother Teresa commended the prayer to all peacemaker groups

Pictures of Mother Teresa's Work


“Life is an opportunity, benefit from it. Life is beauty, admire it. Life is a dream, realize it. Life is a challenge, meet it. Life is a duty, complete it. Life is a game, play it. Life is a promise, fulfill it. Life is sorrow, overcome it. Life is a song, sing it. Life is a struggle, accept it. Life is a tragedy, confront it. Life is an adventure, dare it. Life is luck, make it. Life is too precious, do not destroy it. Life is life, fight for it".


The fruit of Silence is Prayer. The fruit of Prayer is Faith. The fruit of Faith is Love. The fruit of Love is Service. THE FRUIT OF SERVICE IS PEACE.

Smiling, Mother Teresa, would say, “This is my Business Card”, explaining that it was printed for her by a Hindu who supported her work. Joining religious leaders of many faiths, Mother Teresa made a personal appeal for peace to many leaders of nations"I come to you with tears in  my eyes in God's love to plead for the poor, if the horror we all dread happens. I beg you to labor for God's peace and reconciled with one another. In the short term, there may be winners and losers in wars, but that can never justify the suffering, pain and loss of life, which your weapons will cause. I beg you to save our brothers and sisters, because they are give to us by God to love and to cherish". - Mother Teresa, January 1991, Calcutta Herald.

Mother Teresa and her order, the Missionaries of Charity, bring LOVE into the farthest corners of our world. We encourage you to support their mission.